Manufacturing System Integrator | Shop Floor Automations

Latest News Blog, Machine Monitoring, Scytec, Software The Dilemma of Do-It-Yourself Equipment Monitoring Software Downtime – and the response time to it – continues to plague manufacturers across the United States. A 2022 Siemens report revealed that a typical large plant “still loses 25 hours a month to unplanned downtime.” They estimate the cost…Read more November 25, 2024 1707 2560 Susan Towers Susan Towers2024-11-25 09:00:392024-11-21 13:02:19The Dilemma of Do-It-Yourself Equipment Monitoring Software Blog, Predator DNC, Software Building Resistance into Aged CNC Machines How CNC program transfers can overcome the vulnerabilities of SMB1 for greater security and efficiency It took mere hours. In May of 2017, a devastating ransomware cryptoworm called WannaCry impacted more than 200,000 computers across 150 countries,…Read more October 8, 2024 1000 1500 Susan Towers Susan Towers2024-10-08 09:00:312024-09-09 06:09:50Building Resistance into Aged CNC Machines Blog, Predator PDM, Software Revise Your Revisions: Scrapping the Rework from Poor CNC Production Documentation Imagine this: as a manufacturer, one of your engineers or CNC programmers has finally completed a product design for a part worth $75,000. They add the files to a USB thumb drive and run it out to the shop floor to upload the design and work…Read more June 26, 2024 1703 2560 Susan Towers Susan Towers2024-06-26 09:00:042024-06-25 05:06:40Revise Your Revisions: Scrapping the Rework from Poor CNC Production Documentation
